It takes a tremendous amount of work to create a video to explain even simple concepts. It starts with concepting an idea, creating a script and storyboard to visualize the idea, the actual raw production, and, finally, ends with post production and edits of all shapes and sizes. Here is a sample of some of the videos I've worked on, some from the very start to the very end:
Call to a New Renaissance, an animated, condensed version of a talk by Matt Meeks at the first Catholic Creatives Summit in Dallas. All assets concepted, created, and animated by Andrew Montpetit.
Collective Metrics Explanation Video. Apart from Voiceover (Austin Dean), video produced from conception to final product by Andrew Montpetit (including all animation / creation of all assets used). Sound effects / Soundtrack by Pond5.
Diocese of Grand Rapids CSA 2017 Pledge Drive Video. Apart from Voiceover and some of the design assets, this video was entirely produced by Andrew Montpetit.
Family Promise GR Annual Fundraiser Video: Promise Made, Promise Kept. Post Production and Editing by Andrew Montpetit